Picnic basket/backpack

Picnic basket/backpack

Check out this unique offer in the Mullerthal Region – Luxembourg’s Little Switzerland and take in its breathtaking nature as well as its rich delicacies!

On demand you’ll have at your disposal either a variety of traditional picnic baskets for short trips, or ideal for longer hikes the handy picnic backpacks. You can choose between the packages “Gourmet” (22€ p.p.), “Veggie” (22€ p.p.) or “Deluxe” (25€ p.p.) for 2 – 4 people respectively. prices all taxes incl.

They’re fully packed with the best regional products of the “Mëllerdaller Produzenten”:

Touristcenter Heringer Millen: freshly baked mill bread

- Äppelkëscht Berdorf: Sparkling apple wine
- Beaufort castle: Cassero liquor
- Bio farm Baltes: Goat’s cheese
- Claude Hansen and Claire Larry: Honey
- Eppelpress: Jams
- Fromagerie Schmalen: Berdorfer cheese
- Roger Baulesch: sheep sausage
- Tudorgeeschter: Apple Juice and Schnaps
- Wietor butcher: Rieslingspaschtéit and terrine

Composition according to package / Reservation up to 24h in advance at +352 878988 or .

Offer also available as gift voucher.

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